
Indoor circuits with Chelsea FC

Friday  13.00 - 14.00 Online/Drake House Hall

Click here to book

Delivered online via Zoom (no download required).

Our Indoor Circuits class is guaranteed to leave you feeling invigorated and energised. It's a great class to really put you through your paces and give you an all-round workout.

More robust than our usual classes, it is suitable for the more active individual and focuses on: 

  • Muscle endurance 
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Balance 
  • Coordination 

Join Chelsea FC for a fun circuit-based exercise class which has been designed especially to be done at home. 

To book your place, click the button above to email or call 020 8946 0735.

Small weights (tinned cans) and a ball or similar object are used within the session.

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